
Zprint Software
Zprint Software

Zprint Software

Parts can be built on a ZPrinter at a rate of approximately 1 vertical inch per hour.

Zprint Software

When the model is complete, unbound powder is automatically removed. The operator is required to spread a fresh layer of powder across the top of the model, and repeat the process. In ZPrinters, a printing head which is similar to inkjet moves across a bed of powder, selectively depositing a liquid binding material in the shape of the section. In many other rapid prototyping processes, the part to be printed is built up from many thin cross sections of the 3D model. In 1993, ZPrinting was developed at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology as a new 3D printing technology. ZPrinting relates to the z axis, and adds depth to the other 2 axes x and y, as does 3D printing.

Zprint Software

The Company was sold to Contex Holding in August 2005, and was ultimately acquired by 3D Systems on January 3, 2012. Z Corporation (commonly abbreviated Z Corp.) was founded in December 1994 by Marina Hatsopoulos, Walter Bornhorst, James Bredt and Tim Anderson, based on a technology developed at MIT under the direction of Professor Ely Sachs.

Zprint Software